I Yam What I Yam

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Well there's a lot about me that won't fit in this space, that's for sure. I'm a dork. Words have just recently started to flow from my head to my fingers. I play tuba. I hurdle. I believe in the green light. I like long walks on the beach, blue jolly ranchers, Nutella, and making my friends smile. This blog is a manifestation of my mind, to some extent. Bon Appetit!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

I Am So In Love With The Concept Of Love (Oct 2nd, 2011 3:44pm)

James Joyce said it right: "Love loves to love love." Don't breeze through that quote like I know you just did. Re-read it and actually try to understand it. Read it like this: Love. Loves. To love. Love. Better?
Love: the essence, the intangible force. It loves. Not only does it simply love. But it lovesto love love.
Think about it too much, and you'll get so drunk on words you won't be able to see straight anymore.
I love the feeling that comes with Love. That you are so happy nothing can ever, ever go wrong. There's a completeness about it.
And don't judge or assume. I'm not talking about sexyboomboom love, or even love with a boy (necessarily). Just the feeling of devotion. The feeling of yes I will play volleyball 7 hours a day and in the breaks lay in my room with icyhot all over my body because I LOVE this sport. The feeling of yes I will train myself for a couple seasons because I LOVE 100m hurdles. The feeling of yes I will send Nutella to my friend or text 7 people good morning every morning because I LOVE my friends. The feeling of yes I will go to the bathroom 9 times before lunch, kill all the spiders, and play knee tag with the kids who aren't going to the bathroom because I LOVE my job.
That collective love, including all those loves I mentioned up there and so many more, is the reason that I keep going. The reason that I get up in the morning not only willing but excited just to be alive.
Don't get me wrong, there are bad things in my life. I still have to reconcile myself with the whole J situation before winter session. I'm not perfect, and I will always be mad at myself because of that. But there are so many more things GOOD in my life. So many that I couldn't ever list them all.
"Love loves to love love." -- James Joyce, Ulysses.

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