I Yam What I Yam

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Well there's a lot about me that won't fit in this space, that's for sure. I'm a dork. Words have just recently started to flow from my head to my fingers. I play tuba. I hurdle. I believe in the green light. I like long walks on the beach, blue jolly ranchers, Nutella, and making my friends smile. This blog is a manifestation of my mind, to some extent. Bon Appetit!

Thursday, November 3, 2011

A Post During The Writing Of Which My Opinion Changed

Forever reaching but never quite grasping. This is how I feel when I blog. Because I blog when I have a thought, or at least a notion, some feeling or a vague hint in my brain at something more. But more often than not I can’t quite grasp it.

I’m a hypocrite I guess. It annoys me to no end when people blog about things that seem to be so very far beyond their grasp. Or even very close but still beyone their grasp, I suppose. Like if someone introduces a concept and doesn't take it further than the very obvious. It's what I do all the time, but it still gets me.

But perhaps it is truly necessary for us as humans to do this. Or if not necessary, then at least in our nature. I suppose most of what we do is driven by the longing to fully grasp that for which we are reaching. Be it religion, or traveling, or friendships, or sports, we are constantly trying to move upward and onward, towards better things. Or simply different things, as it were. 

And so we reach. And reach. And, as F. Scott Fitzgerald said, "It eluded us then but that's no matter-tomorrow we will run faster, stretch our arms farther." 
In light of that, I suppose these reaching-but-not-quiiiiite-grasping blogs are a necessary jumping-off point. They tone our minds, expand them to fit new and different ideas. Kind of like how you can't run a 6 minute mile without a little practice first, no matter how infuriating that practice is. 


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