I Yam What I Yam

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Well there's a lot about me that won't fit in this space, that's for sure. I'm a dork. Words have just recently started to flow from my head to my fingers. I play tuba. I hurdle. I believe in the green light. I like long walks on the beach, blue jolly ranchers, Nutella, and making my friends smile. This blog is a manifestation of my mind, to some extent. Bon Appetit!

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

I. Feel. Great.

Big turn around from yesterday... If anybody reading this had to interact with me yesterday, they know it was not fun. Simply put, it was one of those days where something could easily put you in a good mood, but the whole world decides not to. Just a plain old bad day.

And then today... well today was a totally different story. It was like nothing could put me in a bad mood, and nothing even tried. For so many reasons, today was great. I feel like I'm on top of the world.

And so it got me thinking... maybe its those really bad no-amount-of-coffee-can-make-me-hyper days that makes the days like these all that much more amazing. For example, what if today had happened without the badness of yesterday. Would it feel the same? Does sugar in the middle of a meal taste less sweet then sugar eaten directly after salt?

Regardless, it tastes sweet. And I'm loving the taste.

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